Let Your Organization's Profit Rise And Your Employees Experience A Consistent Growth By Using Our HR Outsourcing Division's 'Happy People to Profit (HP2P)' Business Automation Ecosystem. Together we can set your systems and then you will enjoy your journey of managing business..
Check employee's feedback in the video here.
The HP2P Ecosystem can be seen at the bottom of this page.
HRO l Employee Happiness l Business Profit
"I aim to help 10,000 jobless individuals get a job that will pull their families out of challenging situations.
For my corporate clients, using my HR Outsourcing model, I am on my mission to increase the net profit of 25k company by 30% and also grow their 100k employees' happiness to a level where they will agree that their happiness score is 80 out of 100 in our surveys."
- Shalav Daftuar,
Mentor in the area of HR Outsourcing, Business Profit Making
Without Sacrificing Employees' Happiness.
Coach for Business Management, HR, Recruitment & Career Growth
Also check our group company's various websites seen here:
www.SalahkaarConsultants.com, www.ManageJob.com,
Shalav's Views:
On Hiring: "If you focus on quality hiring, then half of the Talent Management job will be done even before candidates' joining. Always remember, at a given salary, you can get a wide variety of candidates. Therefore, a quality recruiter in a company is always more important than your best sales person. This is what a business leaders need to understand when they aim to push their organizations' growth."
For Recruiters: Considering the above mentioned, you have a great role to play. I suggest you rise to the occasion and be an exceptional recruiter by learning (a) Just-In--Time-Hiring (JITH) and (b) by honing Pipeline Development skills."
On Employee Motivation & Business Profit: "The way, taste of food is directly dependent on your cooking partner's mood, similarly your product quality and the business profit is directly proportionate to your employees'' engagement to the cause. Be careful and keep it cool!"

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Happy People to Profit